Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications: (* indicated equal contribution of authors)
(33) Lamb, C.T*., Willson, R*, Menzies, A.K., Owens-Beek, N., Price, M., McNay, S., Otto, S., Hessami, M., J.Popp, Hebblewhite, M., and Ford, A.T. 2023. Braiding Indigenous Rights and Endangered Species Law for Meaningful Species Recovery. Science, 380(6646): 694-696.
(32) Shiratsuru S., Studd E.K., Majchrzak Y.N., Peers M.J.L, Menzies A.K., Derbyshire R., Jung T.S., Krebs C.J., Murray D.L., Boonstra R., and S. Boutin. 2023. When death comes: Linking predator-prey activity patterns to timing of mortality to understand predation risk. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(1999): 20230661.
(31) Studd EK, Peers MJL, Menzies AK, Derbyshire R, Majchrzak YN, Seguin JL, Murray DL, Dantzer B, Lane JE, McAdam AG, Humphries MM, Boutin S. 2022. Behavioural adjustments of predators and prey to wind speed in the boreal forest. Oecologia. 200(3-4): 349-358. doi: 10.1007/s00442-022-05266-w
(30) Kennah J.L., Peers M.J.L., Vander Wal E., Majchrzak Y.N., Menzies A.K., Studd E.K., Boonstra R., Humphries M.M., Jung T.S., Kenney A.J., Krebs C.J., and S. Boutin. Coat color mismatch improves survival of a keystone boreal herbivore: Energetic advantages exceed lost camouflage. Ecology, 104: e3882.
(29) Majchrzak, Y.N., Menzies, A.K., Doran-Myers, D., Peers, M.J.L., Studd, E.K., Boonstra, R. and S. Boutin. 2022. A method for marking individual animals in motion-triggered camera studies. Mammalian Biology, 102: 841–845. •Highlighted in University of Alberta News
(28) Menzies, A.K., Bowles, E., Gallant, M., Patterson, H., Kozmic, C., Chiblow, S., McGregor, D., Ford, A., and J.N. Popp. 2022. “I see my culture starting to disappear”: Anishinaabe perspectives on the socioecological impacts of climate change and future research needs. FACETS (Ărramăt Special Issue)7: 509-527. •Featured in Windspeaker Media, The Toronto Star, University of Guelph news
(27) Menzies A.K., Studd E.K., Seguin J.L., Derbyshire R.E., Murray D.L., Boutin S., and M.M. Humphries. 2022. Activity, movement, heart rate, and energy expenditure of a cold-climate mesocarnivore, the Canada Lynx. Canadian Journal of Zoology. DOI: 10.1139/cjz-2021-0142. •Selected as “Editors Choice” feature article from this issue.
(26) Brammer J.R., Menzies A.K., Carter L., Chehab N., Giroux-Bougard X., Landry-Cuerrier M., Louise-Leblanc M., Studd E., and M.M. Humphries. 2022. Weighing the importance of body mass in wild food systems. FACETS. DOI: 10.1139/facets-2020-0023.
(25) Majchrzak Y.N., Peers M.J.L., Studd E.K., Menzies A.K., Walker P.D., Shiratsuru S., Boonstra R., Humphries M.M., Jung T.S., Kenney A.J., Krebs C.J., Murray D.L., and S. Boutin. 2022. Balancing food acquisition and predation drives demographics in snowshoe hare population cycles. Ecology Letters, 00: 1-11.
(24) Peers, M.J.L., Majchrzak, Y.N., Studd, E.K., Menzies, A.K., Kukka, P., Konkolics, S., Boonstra, R., Boutin, S., and T. Jung. 2021. Evaluation of gum-line recession for aging lynx. The Wildlife Society Bulletin, 45(4): 706-710.
(23) Doran-Myers D., Kenney A.J., Krebs C.J., Lamb C.T., Menzies A.K., Murray D.L., Studd E.K., Whittington J., and S. Boutin. 2021. Density estimates for Canada lynx vary among estimation methods. Ecosphere, 12(10): e03774.
(21) Peers M.J.L., Konkolics S., Majchrzak Y.N, Menzies A.K., Studd E.K., Boonstra R., Boutin S., and C.T. Lamb. 2021. ertebrate scavenging dynamics differ between carnivore and herbivore carcasses in the northern boreal forest. Ecosphere, 12(8): e03691.
(20) Peers M.J.L., Reimer JR., Majchrzak Y.N., Menzies A.K., Studd E.K., Boonstra R., Kenney A.J., Krebs C.J., O'Donoghue M., and S. Boutin. 2021. Contribution of late-litter juveniles to the population dynamics of snowshoe hares. Oecologia, 195 (4): 949-957.
(19) Studd E.K.*, Derbyshire R.E.*, Menzies A.K.*, Simms J., Humphries M.M., Murray D.L., and S. Boutin. 2021. The Purr-fect Catch: using accelerometers and audio recorders to document kill rates and hunting behaviour of a small prey specialist, the Canada Lynx. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 1 -11. •Featured on: Quirks and Quarks, The Wildlife Society, Canadian Geographic, National Wildlife Magazine, McGill University Press, Gizmodo, CBC Montreal, CBC Lets Go •Summarized in The Conversation
(18) Peers M.J.L., Majchrzak Y.N., Menzies A.K., Studd E.K., Bastille-Rousseau G., Boonstra R., Humphries M.M., Jung T.S., Kenney A.J., Krebs C.J., Murray D.L., and S. Boutin. 2020. Climate change increases predation risk for a keystone species. Nature Climate Change, 1-5.
(17) Menzies A.K., Studd E.K., Majchrzak Y.N., Peers M.J.L., Boutin S., Dantzer B., Lane J.E., McAdam A.G., and M.M. Humphries. 2020. Body temperature, heart rate, and activity patterns of two boreal homeotherms in winter: homeostasis, allostasis, and ecological coexistence. Functional Ecology, 34: 2292-2301. •Short-listed for Haldane Prize for best paper by an early career researcher in 2020 •Functional Ecology spotlight •Functional Ecology Insights blog
(16) Peers M.J.L., Konkolics S.M., Lamb C.T., Majchrzak Y.N., Menzies A.K., Studd E.K., Boonstra R., Kenney A.J., Krebs C.J., Martinig A.R., McCulloch B., Silva J., Garland L., and S. Boutin. 2020. Prey availability and ambient temperature drive carrion persistence in the boreal forest. Journal of Animal Ecology, (Cover article) •Featured in The Wildlife Society Blog
(15) Studd E.K., Menzies A.K., Siracusa E.R., Dantzer B., Lane J.E., McAdam A.G., Boutin S., and M.M. Humphries. 2020. Optimisation of energetic and reproductive gains explains behavioural responses to environmental variation across seasons and years. Ecology Letters, 23(5): 841-850.
(14) MacMillan G., Falardeau M., Girard C., Dufour-Beausejour S., Lacombe-Bergeron J., Menzies A.K., and D. Henri. 2019. Highlighting the potential of peer-led workshops in training early career researchers for research in an indigenous context. FACETS, 4(1): 275-292. •Associated crowd-sourced document of participatory research resources
(13) Studd E.K., Boudreau M.R., Boutin S., Majchrzak Y.N., Menzies A.K., Murray D.L., Peers M.J.L., Seguin J.L., and M.M. Humphries. 2019. Use of acceleration and acoustics to investigate the influence of moonlight on the behavior of snowshoe hares. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7: 154.
(12) Jung T*., Konkolics S*., Kukka P.*, Majchrzak Y.*, Menzies A.K.*., Oakley M.P.*, Peers M.J.L*., and E.K. Studd*. 2019. Short-term effect of helicopter-based capture on movements of a social ungulate. Journal of Wildlife Management, 83(4): 830 – 837.
(11) Studd E.K., Landry-Cuerrier M., Menzies A.K., Boutin S., McAdam A.G., Dantzer B., Lane, J.E., and M.M. Humphries. 2019. Behavioral classification of low frequency acceleration and temperature data from a free ranging small mammal. Ecology and Evolution, 9(1): 619-630.
(10) Muise K.A., Menzies A.K., and C.K.R. Willis. 2018. Stress-induced changes in body temperature of silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans). Physiology and Behavior, 194: 356-361.
(9) Humphries M.M., Studd E.K., Menzies A.K., and S. Boutin. 2017. To everything there is a season: summer-to-winter food webs and the functional traits of keystone species. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 57(5): 961-976. *cover article
(8) Bohn S., Webber Q., Florko K., Paslawski K., Peterson A., Piche J., Menzies A.K., and C.K.R. Willis. 2017. Personality predicts ectoparasite abundance in an asocial sciurid. Ethology 123(10): 761-771.
(7) Levesque D.L., Menzies A.K., Landry-Cuerrier M., Larocque G., and M.M. Humphries. 2017. Embracing heterothermic diversity: non-stationary waveform analysis of temperature variation in endotherms. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 187: 749-757.
(6) Menzies A.K., Webber Q.R.M, Baloun D.E., McGuire L.P., Muise K.A., Cote D., Tinkler S., and C.K.R. Willis. 2016. Metabolic rate, colony size and latitude, but not phylogeny, affect rewarming rates of bats. Physiology and Behavior, 164: 361–368.
(5) Menzies A.K., Timonin M.E., McGuire L.P. and C.K.R Willis. 2013. Personality variation in little brown bats. PLoS one, 8(11): e80230.
(4) Clare E., Symondson W., Broders H., Fabianed F., Frazer E., MacKenzie A., Boughen A., Hamilton R., Willis C.K.R., Martinez-Nunez, F, Menzies A.K., Norquay K.J.O, Brigham M., Poissant J., Rintoul J., Barclay R., and J. Reimer. 2013. The diet of Myotis lucifugus across Canada: assessing foraging quality and diet variability. Molecular Ecology, 23(15): 3618–3632.
(3) Willis C.K.R., Menzies A.K., Boyles J.G. and M.S Wojciechowski. 2011. Cutaneous water loss is a plausible explanation for mortality of bats from white-nose syndrome. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 51: 364-373.
(2) Norquay K.J.O., Menzies A.K., McKibbin C.S., Timonin M.E., Baloun D.E., and C.K.R. Willis. 2010. Silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) found ensnared on burdock (Arctium minus). Northwestern Naturalist, 91(3): 339-342.
(1) Jonasson K.A., Timonin M.E., Norquay K.J.O, Menzies A.K., Dubois J. and C.K.R Willis. 2010. Case study: a little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) survives in the wild with only one foot. Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation 30(3): 27-29.
Book Chapters:
(1) Dzal Y.A.*, Menzies A.K.*, Webber Q.M.R., and C.K.R. Willis. 2020. Torpor and Tinbergen: Integrating physiological and behavioral traits with ontogeny, phylogenetic history, survival, and fitness to understand heterothermy in bats. In: 50 years of Bat Research: Foundations and New Frontiers. Eds. Lim B., Fenton B., Brigham M., Shahroukh M., Kurta A., Gillam E., Russell A., and J Ortega. * indicates equal contribution
(4) Bowles, E., Khan, J.S., Menzies, A.K., McGregor, D., Ford, A.T., and J.N. Popp. Cultural Keystone Species. A report from the “Weaving Indigenous Knowledge systems and Western Science for conservation and management of wildlife and the environment” project. January 2022.
(3) Bowles, E., Menzies, A.K., Khan, J.S., McGregor, D., Ford, A.T., and J.N. Popp. Weaving Knowledge Systems. A report from the “Weaving Indigenous Knowledge systems and Western Science for conservation and management of wildlife and the environment” project. January 2022.
(2) Menzies A.K. 2020. Considerations and Recommendations for Initiating Community-led Moose Monitoring Projects in Central and Northern Manitoba. Unpublished Report Prepared for Nature United.
(1) Petersen S.D., Florko K.R.N, Menzies A.K., & the IPBCC Advisory Board (2018). Management rationale and options for orphan polar bear cubs in Manitoba. Assiniboine Park Conservancy, Winnipeg, MB. 24 pp.